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J2A040 Java Card Hello World App

Posted by Sonny Yu on Aug 14th 2024

//Ubuntu 18.04lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTSRelease: 18.04Codename: bionicsudo apt update -ysudo apt upgrade -ysudo apt install l … read more

​NXP JCOP Card Version Naming Conventions

Posted by Sonny Yu on Aug 11th 2024

NXP JCOP is a Java Card operating system developed by NXP Semiconductors. It's commonly found in NXP's Java Cards and various security chips. While the exact naming conventions for NXP JCOP ve … read more

​The lifecycle of a Java Smart Card

Posted by Sonny Yu on Aug 7th 2024

The lifecycle of a Java Smart Card, such as those using the Java Card platform, typically involves several stages from manufacturing to end-of-life. Here’s a detailed overview of the lifecycle:1. Manu … read more