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How to get the NXP JCOP Tools

Jul 19th 2024

To get the  NXP JCOP Tools, follow these steps:

1. Ordering the JCOP Tools:

- The JCOP Tools are provided free of charge by NXP to JCOP customers.

- You need to be a registered customer of NXP with a valid Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

- Visit [NXP Docstore]( to order the JCOP Tools.

- If you are not a registered NXP customer with a valid NDA, contact your NXP representative.

2. Installing JCShell:

- Supported OS: Windows 7, Linux, and Mac OS X (with some limitations).

- Unpack the `` file.

- For Windows, install the Visual C++ Redistributable package for Visual Studio 2012.

- The `jcshell.rc` file contains configuration settings and is located in the same directory as the JCShell itself.

3. JCOP Tools Installation:

- Ensure your system meets the prerequisites, including supported OS, Eclipse version, and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version.

- Save the installation package to a location on your hard drive.

- Start Eclipse IDE and navigate to `Help -> Install New Software...`.

- Add the JCOP Tools by selecting `Local...` or `Archive...` and navigating to the JCOP Tools package.

- Follow the prompts to install and restart Eclipse.

4. Activating the JCOP Tools:

- Activation is required before using the JCOP Tools.

- There are three activation methods:

1. Refer to an existing installation of the JCOP Tools.

2. Use a JCOP engineering sample card accessed through a reader.

3. Enter an activation code based on the serial number of the JCOP Tools installation.

5. **Getting Help:**

- Help is available via the Eclipse IDE by navigating to `Help -> Help Contents`.

- Additional help can be accessed within JCShell by typing `help` at the command prompt.

The 's JCOP 21 V2.2 /72K is JCOP engineering sample card